It Is Up To You : What You Wanna See And What You Wanna feel..

Few days ago I and my colleagues at the office had the chance to watch Avengers : The Age of Ultron. Well, I am not into this super hero movie but what can I say? No other choices and everyone agreed to watch this.

I have read how the rating of the movie was and how people complained of the stories. So, right I entered the cinema where I was late for few minutes. I lost my interests. My mind was somewhere else. Then I fell asleep for couple of minutes.

I woke up and checking if my friends beside me still had the popcorn to eat while my mind still wondered.  Then I went to the toilet and spent my time going around the ticket area for no reason. There was still another hour before the movie ended.

Then I went back to my seat and suddenly my mind said, “hey, try to forget all the review you have read. Just sit and watch”.

So then I tried to concentrate watching and ENJOYING the movie. Yes, somehow I finally managing myself and having fun with the movie. Captain America is my other reason for sure. Hoho hooo….

I realized, if you let yourselves with all the negativity - let the results drowning you somewhere in the well.

Anyhow, I have been trying to stay positive but sometimes I cannot let myself for not being infected though.

If your mind is trained to be open for any possibilities – then you will be an open mind person. Just try not to limit yourselves into something. Your capabilities are bigger than what you think.

Yes, capabilities. Try to do something unusual. Try to do something outside the comfort zone. Try to do something ridiculous.  It is from there we may know of ourselves.


  1. If your mind is trained to be open for any possibilities – then you will be an open mind person. Just try not to limit yourselves into something. Your capabilities are bigger than what you think.

    Nice quotes, Ikmar, as always


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